
Halloween. For a “holiday” that you didn’t really understand or appreciate….. it sure hit me hard. As is becoming obvious, these holiday’s that I didn’t think were going to be that hard because you had no concept of them…. actually suck.

Kids coming to the door, all the candy, all the excitement. But no Bobo. No Bobo to dress up in, what to you was an inexplicable outfit, and take pictures. We never had you hand out candy for the simple reason that you wouldn’t give it away, you keep it and run off with it. The candy bowl was something that you definitely thought was yours. It was a bit of a battle honestly, trying to keep you away from it. And after the night was over, you’d spin the empty bowl in hopes that somehow that would refill it.

We passed this Halloween with one of your mom’s friends coming over and helping us hand out candy. She reminisced about how you’d beg her for lollypops every time she came over. and I’d have to end up being the bad guy and shut her down after she gave you somewhere around three. You’d have hit her up for them until the package ran dry. Why not right? They are delicious. Way better than that crappy food your Dad forced on you.

Your Mom would do it up for Halloween too. Decorate outside, lights, music, the whole bit. This year, we kinda half assed it. But we did something. Because that’s what you have to do right? One foot in front of the other, until you can’t manage to do it anymore I guess. We actually had a decent amount of kids come to the door being as it was the first year that it was socially acceptable to trick or treat since the pandemic hit. Your mom got lollypops to hand out to every kid aside from all the other candy. Everyone got a lollypop was the plan. In the ever evolving list of signs you’ve given us since you passed, this yielded another one. The next morning in our driveway we found one of those lollypops. Dropped on the ground. As if to say “Hi guys, I see you.” You do that a decent amount for us Bobo. And I can’t thank you enough. When I’m truly dragging, it seems like you show up to urge me on in some way. Just around the corner…. “Boo.”



